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Showing posts from June, 2012

Please Read Something

As I write this I should be writing papers, assignments, and other things.  However, I needed a break from writing so I decided to write.  Makes sense, write(right)?  Anyways, as far as things go it has been a fairly good summer so far.  It has been less than crazy hot until just this last week, ministry is going very well, and for the most part my children and wife are doing quite well. Usually, this is where I might delve off into something theological, philosophical, or even political, but not today.  I am here to say that, as mentioned in a post around my birthday, I am an old man trapped in a young man's body.  That being said I am going to have an Old Man gripe session for a minute. Why in the name of everything that is good and decent do people not read anymore.  I don't mean they don't read much, they don't read good material, but that they do not read.  The average American could not tell you anything of the classics.  Homer? Vir...

6 Reasons I wish I was turning 77 Monday(instead of 27)

This is not a birthday plug.  I don't even want Facebook comments if I can escape them.  It is just I think that I have come to the realization that it is very possible I was born about 50 years later than I should have been.  I know what you are thinking, "You could not write and share this if you were almost 80 years old".  Let me outline the argument.  Number One- Simplicity-Growing up in the 40s and 50s life was simpler, especially where I am from.     Anyone who knows me will tell you that my weak point is that I tend to over analyze and over think.  My nostalgic mind tells me there might be some beauty in going home from work and not having one of three different types of electronic devices for me to indulge my ever curious mind. Number two- Entertainment-  How far and how low our entertainment has come.  There are myriads of things that can ensnare and detract from the things that really matter.  There is a generation o...

Can God Hate?

God is love, God is merciful, God is full of Grace, God loves everyone. Yes.... and God can hate.  People do not like this truth, but it does not keep it from being true.(because its truth you see)  "Well, maybe God just hates sin."  Absolutely God hates sin.  He despises it.  If we could truly comprehend the offense that our sin is to a holy God our heads would probably explode.  As a side note, read the whole post if you want to fight with me about this topic.  I welcome discussion. God says in Proverbs 6:16 and following: There are six things that the Lord hates,      seven that are an abomination to him: 17  haughty eyes, a lying tongue,      and hands that shed innocent blood, 18  a heart that devises wicked plans,      feet that make haste to run to evil, 19  a false witness who breathes out lies,      and one who sows...

Standing on the Shoulders of Men, and the Promises of God

There are days when I finish most of what needs to be accomplished at work and I get to study a little more, pray a little more, or get ahead for next week.  Sometimes like everybody else I end up reading news stories that really are of little or no importance.  Does it really matter that some recently divorced liberal over at the Huffington Post wrote a column proposing the government not allow people to marry before age 25? Article here No, it does not.  Our culture does not even realize the meaning of marriage anymore so why listen to the drivel.  Fathers day is coming up and it has weighed on my mind.  These past few days I have been thinking about the beauty of having mentors or being one.  I do not mean a once a week 30 minute interaction at the Boys and Girls club.  That is okay, but in my world I am talking about the men that have truly affected the way I live my life and do my ministry.  I am blessed beyond imagination in this departme...

Blog Restart- Saturdays

Saturday Night. For most people it is the night for leisurely activities. For me it is usually very calm. Sundays are always busy with church activities. I am trying to start this blog. Probably for selfish reasons. Maybe I think that people honestly care what I have to say about things. Anyhow, maybe I will talk about my family,my ever continuing education, my crazy summer, or going fishing, but one thing is for sure I will talk about Jesus. If you do not want to hear about Him, you might as well sign off my blog page. Today was a very interesting day. I went to the Orange County graduation ceremonies and saw Dalton Harlow and Parker Hogsten graduate. Congratulations to them for being the first graduates since I became the youth pastor at Zion.  I do not know if you guys will ever read this but here is my subtle attempt at advice. No matter where you go or what you do surround yourself with faithful Christians that will support you. It is so easy to fall away fro...