As I write this I should be writing papers, assignments, and other things. However, I needed a break from writing so I decided to write. Makes sense, write(right)? Anyways, as far as things go it has been a fairly good summer so far. It has been less than crazy hot until just this last week, ministry is going very well, and for the most part my children and wife are doing quite well. Usually, this is where I might delve off into something theological, philosophical, or even political, but not today. I am here to say that, as mentioned in a post around my birthday, I am an old man trapped in a young man's body. That being said I am going to have an Old Man gripe session for a minute. Why in the name of everything that is good and decent do people not read anymore. I don't mean they don't read much, they don't read good material, but that they do not read. The average American could not tell you anything of the classics. Homer? Vir...
Day to Day thoughts on faith, family,prayer, sports, politics, and the triumphs and challenges of being the Pastor of a Church in a culture that hates the truth of the Bible.