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Blog Restart- Saturdays

Saturday Night. For most people it is the night for leisurely activities. For me it is usually very calm. Sundays are always busy with church activities. I am trying to start this blog. Probably for selfish reasons. Maybe I think that people honestly care what I have to say about things. Anyhow, maybe I will talk about my family,my ever continuing education, my crazy summer, or going fishing, but one thing is for sure I will talk about Jesus. If you do not want to hear about Him, you might as well sign off my blog page.

Today was a very interesting day. I went to the Orange County graduation ceremonies and saw Dalton Harlow and Parker Hogsten graduate. Congratulations to them for being the first graduates since I became the youth pastor at Zion.
 I do not know if you guys will ever read this but here is my subtle attempt at advice. No matter where you go or what you do surround yourself with faithful Christians that will support you. It is so easy to fall away from Jesus after leaving high school. Every statistic will tell you that teenagers leave the church in droves after high school. I hope in the short time we have known each other you have at least learned something that you will take with you. Keep God first always. I know that sounds corny, but its not a lesson you want to learn the hard way. I will continue to pray for both of you as you enter into the next chapter in life.

After the graduation we took a short drive to the Shenandoah National park because it was no entrance fee day.

It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Nice to see God's handiwork. It was a wonderful drive. We finished by stopping at the Yoder's store to pick up some strawberry rhubarb jelly and also got fried pies that were strawberry cream cheese. If we had not bought them from a Mennonite market I would swear they came straight from the devil. Sinfully good. William Paul fed some goats and we came on home. It was a good Saturday.

God has been with us this week as we are trying to handle some things with our family. Time after time He reminds me to let go and let God. I am indicted by Jesus' words when he said in Matthew 17 "For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” How quickly we forget what God has done. I hope and pray everyone has the chance to hear the Word of God properly preached tomorrow. Listen and let God work. God Bless all of You.
Until He Returns,


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