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Showing posts from September, 2013

Lesson Learned: Confidence in God, Even in the Little Things

It is a rarity for me to post two blogs in a week.  Heck it is rare for me to post two blogs in a month, but here I am.  I am writing here as someone who is just beginning to understand what God has in store.  Not just for me, but for us all.  God's plan is nothing short of miraculous every single day of our lives.  I would recount to you the examples of this in the last week, but I don't have the time nor the typing prowess to type that much.  God showed me something today in a very simple thing and that is miraculous. I am overwhelmed by how culture can effect our behavior even when we try to be on guard.  I had the pleasure of going to speak at a school today.  It was a Christian school and they asked me to bring a 10 minute chapel message.  Now, I wanted to get the kids attention so I took two Evangecubes I was planning on asking a couple of questions at the beginning and giving these 2 evangecubes to those who answered properly.  Anyways, I felt it was my responsi

8 Weeks Into the Rest of Our Life

I am the SENIOR PASTOR of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church.  Not that there is a junior pastor.  There is just me, but the title remains.  I am simply the pastor.  So, here I am 2 months into my first pastorate.  I probably know it all by now, right?  Not hardly.  Luckily, I was blessed with a salesman's brain so names are coming easy, which makes things much more smooth. So, 8 weeks in I was hoping to have some great pearls of pastoral wisdom to share, but again I say, not hardly.  Anyways, I will tell you a few things.  The first thing is that people here are amazing.  They have been a blessing to both me and my family.  We have been provided with a great home and much more. Secondly, I will confess that I love my job.  I know I am not supposed to call it a job, but it is that and a lot more.  It is a calling, a lifestyle, and really just a lot of fun.  I have had some great and not so great moments already, but I hope that in time everyone will be able to discern my heart.  I d