It is a rarity for me to post two blogs in a week. Heck it is rare for me to post two blogs in a month, but here I am. I am writing here as someone who is just beginning to understand what God has in store. Not just for me, but for us all. God's plan is nothing short of miraculous every single day of our lives. I would recount to you the examples of this in the last week, but I don't have the time nor the typing prowess to type that much. God showed me something today in a very simple thing and that is miraculous.
I am overwhelmed by how culture can effect our behavior even when we try to be on guard. I had the pleasure of going to speak at a school today. It was a Christian school and they asked me to bring a 10 minute chapel message. Now, I wanted to get the kids attention so I took two Evangecubes
I was planning on asking a couple of questions at the beginning and giving these 2 evangecubes to those who answered properly. Anyways, I felt it was my responsibility to ask the person who invited me to speak if it was okay. I said I did not know what the attitude of the school was about doing something like this where only a couple of kids get something and not others. This person had a great response. They said if 2 kids get something and others don't that is just the way it is. In other words, of course we want you to reward kids who get a right answer.
Now, I began asking myself on the way home if I would have done this had I spoken at a school 10 years ago? 20? Probably not. I guess it irked me that I was not confident enough in my attitude about rewarding someone for a job well done that I felt it necessary to ask if it was okay.

Thank goodness they had the same way of thinking that I did, but it seems ridiculous that I have been so effected by culture that I felt pressured to bow to convention. God taught me a lesson today. He taught me that it is always better to act according to the leading He gives you, without needing reinforcement elsewhere.
You may say that I did the right thing in asking. By the standards of our culture, perhaps I did. The difference between this and any other speaking engagement is that I was to PREACH a chapel message. Not speak. Not present. PREACH.

Never in a million years would I ask permission from someone on what to preach. I would not do it. I wouldn't ask the pastor of a church I go to visit and preach at if I should avoid certain topics or illustrations because someone was over sensitive to an issue. I rely on God to lead me in preaching, no one else.
Having confidence in what God has placed on your heart is something I was comfortable with in my bubble of influence, but outside of that, even at a Christian school, I felt I needed permission. This is what we have to combat as children of God. Bowing to cultural pressures, no matter how small is wrong when it places us in the position of doubting where God is leading. This may sound silly to you all, but it is without a doubt a convicting lesson for me.
So, have confidence in God.
Proverbs 14:26- In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.
Bro. Russell
I am overwhelmed by how culture can effect our behavior even when we try to be on guard. I had the pleasure of going to speak at a school today. It was a Christian school and they asked me to bring a 10 minute chapel message. Now, I wanted to get the kids attention so I took two Evangecubes
Now, I began asking myself on the way home if I would have done this had I spoken at a school 10 years ago? 20? Probably not. I guess it irked me that I was not confident enough in my attitude about rewarding someone for a job well done that I felt it necessary to ask if it was okay.
Thank goodness they had the same way of thinking that I did, but it seems ridiculous that I have been so effected by culture that I felt pressured to bow to convention. God taught me a lesson today. He taught me that it is always better to act according to the leading He gives you, without needing reinforcement elsewhere.
You may say that I did the right thing in asking. By the standards of our culture, perhaps I did. The difference between this and any other speaking engagement is that I was to PREACH a chapel message. Not speak. Not present. PREACH.
Never in a million years would I ask permission from someone on what to preach. I would not do it. I wouldn't ask the pastor of a church I go to visit and preach at if I should avoid certain topics or illustrations because someone was over sensitive to an issue. I rely on God to lead me in preaching, no one else.
Having confidence in what God has placed on your heart is something I was comfortable with in my bubble of influence, but outside of that, even at a Christian school, I felt I needed permission. This is what we have to combat as children of God. Bowing to cultural pressures, no matter how small is wrong when it places us in the position of doubting where God is leading. This may sound silly to you all, but it is without a doubt a convicting lesson for me.
So, have confidence in God.
Proverbs 14:26- In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.
Bro. Russell
very nice!!