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Procrastination, Prayer, and (Insert 3rd "P" word)

One way that my wife Sarah and I differ greatly is our level of appreciation for well thought out alliteration when it comes to sermon points.  I tried to do it for this blog post but there was just not another "P" word I cared to discuss.

Anyways, today I am in the middle of recovering from a binge of procrastination.  I was doing well but the temptation came in the form of a trip we took for a wedding(get to that later), a power outage(third P?), and even spending time with my children.  That's right there are actually times when I would rather spend time with my boys rather than do my school work.  This is my school work I am talking about here.  I would love to procrastinate at work sometimes, but I could not handle the stress.  I am not built that way.  I wonder why it is different for school?  Maybe I dont value my online educational experience.  Actually, I probably just do not like doing discussion boards designed to make my class interactive.  Online classes cannot be interactive.  Group projects? Really? Shoot me now.

I enjoy writing or I would not be doing this blog, but for the love of the Lord in Heaven why does it matter where I put my comma in a bibliography entry?  But I digress.  Procrastination is something we all do, I just loathe myself when I get in over my head, but Jesus loves even us procrastinators.

So I have not written since the power outage.  In short, it was an insane storm.  I come from tornado country and I have never seen the wind blow like that.  I have also never seen lightning that was even close to that night.  It flashed continually for 2 hours like some menacing, deadly, strobe light.

As for our trip.  It was quite outstanding.  My sister got married to a nice fellow named Scott who did not know what he was doing or is being blackmailed.  That's a joke. My sister is on the east coast for her honeymoon and I do not want her to end up at my door.  We got to see family and even a few friends for a short amount of time.  On a more serious note when we were in Arkansas I had the opportunity to talk about Jesus with someone I have known a long time.  This person has every reason and I believe every desire to become a follower of Christ but he could not shake off the things of this world to see the glory that is ahead.  After a couple of hours of intense conversation and witnessing I had to just leave it with God.  I do hope that I will be hearing from him very soon.  It would be a horrible tragedy to see someone approach the cusp of salvation only to fall away without crossing over the boundary.  I would appreciate any and all prayers for this man.

This post is like my week.  Rambling and long.  After coming home after 1 a.m. Monday I left on another journey Wednesday afternoon to take the youth group here to a camp for an evening event in Lynchburg.  I really enjoyed myself, and I guess the kids had fun.  Ed Newton was the speaker and I think he used more verbatim Scripture quotations in one sermon than anyone I have ever heard preach.  It was well over 50.  Unbelievable.  We returned after 12 a.m. and I finally got some sleep.  It has been a trying, testing, wonderful few weeks.  Bless my wife she put up with me and the boys being sick in Arkansas while she was sick herself.  I hope you all are feeling encouraged this week.  Let God use you.  Even if someone does not respond to you attempts at evangelism be faithful to keep witnessing.  It is not just a good idea, it is your standing order as a Christian soldier.  Be blessed.  Next time I will be a little more coherent.

Bro. Russell

P.S. Happy Birthday/Anniversary week to my Mom and Dad.  My Dad is 60 today, they will be married 30 years on Sunday, and my Mom is (insert fictional number here) on Tuesday.

So, Happy Birthdaysversary!


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