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The Dangers of Following David

I want you all to think about your pastor.I love my pastor.  I believe he is a mighty man of God that preaches truth. I am sure most of you feel this way about your pastor.  I have many men in my life that I look to as mentors and role models even in ministry.  Now, I want you to imagine that something drastic happened.  Imagine your pastor was caught doing something morally reprehensible.  I do not want to get into specifics but just tag him with the worst thing you can think of for the sake of the example.  No doubt about it he is guilty of this act.  Here is the question.  Does his action discredit wholly the message he preached? Will it end your walk with Christ because of what your spiritual leader did?  If it would cause you to walk away from your faith, then I want to tell you that you never had any faith to begin with.  Do not get me wrong, a pastor caught in sin is heartbreaking and it will shake a church, but it should not destroy it.

 The problem with many Christians is that they are following men and not God.  This is not completely wrong.  Doesn't Paul exhort the Corinthian church  in 1 Corinthians to follow him as he follows Christ?  Many children believe what their parents teach them as it relates to faith in God.  Again, not a bad thing.  The danger lies in the true location of our faith.

I want to direct you to the story of King Josiah in 2 Chronicles 34.Josiah was the last good king that Judah had before they were punished with exile.Josiah took it upon himself to purge the land of other Gods.  He was zealous in his efforts to tear down the idols and altars on the high places.  However, he was following this God of his father David.  I know that is a title used to describe God sometimes but it seems to hint at the fact that Josiah simply sought to emulate the faith of the great King David.

However in verse 19 after the lost book of the Law was found and read to Josiah he realized that he was basing his faith on the words and works of men and not on the Word of God.

In 19-21 it says " And when the king heard the words of the Law, he tore his clothes. And the king commanded Hilkiah, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Abdon the son of Micah, Shaphan the secretary, and Asaiah the king's servant, saying, "Go, inquire of the Lord for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that has been found. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord , to do according to all that is written in this book." (2 Chronicles 34:19-21 ESV)

Josiah had examined the Word of God for Himself and found the truths that lived therein and it stirred him deep inside because he realized that he had not been following what God had said.

Before someone wants to come in and shoot down my premise here, understand I realize that there is much more at work in this passage. Most importantly that the Word of God had been lost for 50 ears IN GOD"S HOUSE. I think we can see how easily that people lose God's word even in His church. Josiah shows us that following men can produce good results. He had been purging the land before this. However, when God's Word takes seed in our hearts from our own study it has a much deeper and real meaning that will not fall away if our leader was to fall away. Who is the true object of your faith? Is it Jesus? There are few things more wonderful than a righteous man of God rightly preaching His Word, but Jesus is one of those few things. Follow God, not men and your faith will endure.


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