There are two reasons that this subject is on my heart this morning. The first is that I was witness to one of these moments recently. Holy Spirit decided to jump into our TeamKID meeting and really bring home some understanding. A group of around 20 kids between 7 and 12 really understood what was being taught. Usually a few get it, but this time it was a vast majority. There must be a need in this particular area because the younger kids class also had a similar experience. It was a beautiful thing and it got me to thinking.
There are several moments like this that I remember in my life. I remember when I first understood the full implications of a trap play in football
Now, for the real reason for this post. If you have experienced a moment in time like I have described above then you know, in a small way, what salvation is really like. You see there will come a moment in time where we are all drawn by the Holy Spirit. At that time we will either emerge still ignorant, or we will emerge on the other side with knowledge. This saving knowledge of Christ is the only Aha! moment that really matters. This moment will define your eternity.
I pray today that you do not harden your heart, because you might miss your moment.
Be Blessed,
Bro. Russell
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