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The I Haven't Blogged in a While Blog Post: Old Time Preaching

I have been privileged in my life to know some great and godly men.  The men that I have matured under have undoubtedly been more of the Old School flavor than the new.  This sometimes puts me at odds philisopically with others of my generation of ministers.  I used to wonder if maybe I was carrying on in the  fashion of a movement that was dead and gone, but I have come to the conclusion that this is not the case.

Understand, I am not throwing rocks at this more modern way of teaching, leading, and preaching.  Some of my very best friends are of this cut and I would no more doubt their faithfulness than my own.  I do know, however, that through this new church attitude there are thousands being left in the lurch.  For every coffee house style church plant there is probably two old country churches that are faithful, and they need someone to preach to them too. Funny modern church service parody here.  Sure, it is not easy to butt our heads against the rock wall of stubbornness in some of these places, but they and their families need the Gospel too.  Maybe it is just my calling to be a pastor in a small town/rural setting, but I think maybe some guys are talking themselves out of that type of ministry because it is not the new way of doing things.  Ezekiel had some hard headed people to preach too as well, but God told him to go tell them"Thus sayeth the Lord", "whether they hear you or whether they refuse".  Don't forget Jesus was a traveling country preacher. 

I would challenge you to go and listen to some old Percy Ray, Maze Jackson, and R.G. Lee sermons on and then compare them to SOME of the sermons out there today.  There is a lack of fervor and conviction in some and I am struggling with why that is.  As I heard a preacher friend say, "It ain't got no blood in it"    Let's be all things to all men and not leave an entire segment of the public in limbo because it's just not our style.

Be blessed,.
Bro. Russell


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